Page name: Ranma 1/2 Fans Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-13 23:08:53
Last author: merihevonen
Owner: Cloudwatcher
# of watchers: 5
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Ranma 1/2 Fans Unite

Page owner: [Cloudwatcher]

This is a page deticated to all things ranma! you know you love it..and what reason do you have not to? cute guys, and girls..a hilarous story line..Well it all starts when a guy falls into a curesed spring and becomes a girl. however when splashed with hot water..he becomes a boy again..and if splashed with cold water, he becomes a girl again..sound srewy? well it may be a little but it all turns out even worse when he gets engaged to Akane Tendo..and well i dont feel like explaining the rest ^_^


1. Must love Ranma 1/2 or at meast want to know more about it.

2. no "rude" language if you know what i mean.

3. You may put any little comment by your name if you wish.

4. Put a banner up!!


by [the Indigo]

by [D34D_L33T]

by [loopylouise]


1.[Cloudwatcher] i love Ryoga..and Kuno..they are just so funny..^_^

2.[riddle_holic] Woot mousse and Gosunkugi Hikaru!!

3.[D34D_L33T] ranma is so cool

4. [TheSignOfFire] yay ranma.

5. [Bahamutroy] Ranma ownz, Shampoo and Miss Hinako are damn hot, kuno is damn funny and Genma gives me a so much fun that I could die.

6. [imsdal] Ryoga is the hottest ever <3 ^____^ otherwise, Ranma 1/2 just rox in general :P

7. [-Orion-] Haven't seen the anime, but read all the manga-episodes published here. Ranma is hilarious!

8. [merihevonen] unfortunately i have never seen the anime since it doesn't show here. but i have read the manga. ^____^^

         Other Wiki's/contest owned by [Cloudwatcher]

       Poster Design Contest

       Bad Spellers Unite!!!!

       Clever Spellers Army

       Onegai Teacher Fans Unite
      Case Closed Lovers Unite

       Megatokyo fans unite

       YE the CoNfUzZeLd Club

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[Normal_Man]: dang

[NightmarishEnd]: How'd I miss this wiki? Ranma 1/2 rules~!

[-Orion-]: It does, yea.. ^^ LAst week thw 16th book came out. ^^

[Cloudwatcher]: ^_______________^

[the Indigo]: neh? here, we've already gotten past 22 (dont know how many...)

[Normal_Man]: I found free ranma

[-Orion-]: woow... :D

[-Orion-]: Yea, but Finland's always late..

[Normal_Man]: mine comes free and quick from U.S.A

[Gliowien]: i wanna join! pleeeeeze! I'm reading Ranma 1/2 right now! I'm almost half way thru the series

[Gliowien]: that is a site where you can read all 38 comics! just thought I'd let yall know if oyu didnt already

[Cloudwatcher]: you dont have to ask to join ^_^ just add your name ^_^

[Normal_Man]: u knw what I wish would happen that in the end akane would find out ryoga is a pig

[Cloudwatcher]: um i dunno, i have seen quite a few seasons but its like a never ending show....i duuno if she does..

[Normal_Man]: no im talking about the manga

[Cloudwatcher]: i only read a but of that...O_o ::is coonfussed:: i will just stop talking now....>_O

[Normal_Man]: u silly head

[Cloudwatcher]: <sigh> -_- ;;

[Normal_Man]: huh?

[Cloudwatcher]: nothing.... >_>  <_<

[Normal_Man]: u silly head

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